by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: X Factor

Matt Cardle slams James Arthur after criticism of X Factor winners

He tells 2012 winner: 'Don't start mouthing off'


Matt Cardle slams James Arthur after criticism of X Factor winners

Photo: WENN

Matt Cardle has hit back angrily at recent claims by X Factor 2012 winner James Arthur, who claims previous winners of the show have never made good music.

Cardle, who won the show in 2010, said that he doesn't think Arthur will even have listened to most of the music released by previous contestants.

According to the Sun, Cardle said, "I said, 'Look, James, you're very talented but you haven't sold two million records yet, which I have. You haven't had two top ten albums yet, which I've had. Don't start mouthing off before you've even really left the show.'"

He added, "I doubt he's even listened to my albums. It's a shame and I hope it doesn't do him too much damage.

"Not only has he offended me but he's offended every other person that's won the X Factor and everyone who works or has written on these albums.

"That's some of the best songwriters in the world - all these people - and he's now rubbished their work. So it's a pretty s**t thing for him to have said."

Matt Cardle turned on the Christmas lights in Sheffield this year

He finished by arguing with Arthur's claim that past X Factor contestants have had to compromise on their music style.

Cardle said, "If he hasn't 'compromised' himself one iota then I think he's lying.

"Everybody makes compromises all through their life and especially on something like X Factor."

Below: the artists who didn't do so well after appearing on reality TV


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