by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna, Chris Brown

Rihanna confirms Chris Brown split with 'single' status tweet

Singer celebrates freedom from ex-ex-boyfriend


Rihanna confirms Chris Brown split with 'single' status tweet


Rihanna and Chris Brown have spent much of 2012 partying together and sharing intimate photos of each other online. However, after their brief reconciliation, it appears the 'Diamonds' star is once again single.

The duo never formerly confirmed their revived relationship but the sheer volume of Twitter and Instagram photos over the past few months of personal moments was evidence enough of a rekindled relationship. However, the singer has now confirmed her single status on Twitter.

"Being single sucks. The only thing I get to do anymore is whatever the f**k I want to do (sic)," she wrote. Rihanna is said to have been recently rocked by photos of Brown partying with strippers and also enjoying a date with his apparent ex, Karruche Tran in Dubai.

Rihanna had previously hinted at troubles between her and Brown, slamming a 'basic b**tard' on Twitter.

"Never underestimate a man's ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes," she wrote.

Rihanna and Chris Brown appeared smitten at the start of this month

She had also posted a personal letter to fans online, speaking of lessons she had recently learned.

"There's no question that life throws us curve balls, we do our best to deal with them, take the lessons and keep it moving without regrets," she wrote in a note.

"I look forward to embarking on this ride with you, unwilling to sacrifice what we believe in, taking our lessons and growing from them. Don't let one thing shake your core. Let our inspirations drive us, never steering from who we truly are..."

The duo recently duetted on a new track, 'Nobody's Business' on her new album Unapologetic. It was touted as a future single - which now seems unlikely...

Check out 'Nobody's Business' below


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