by Ashley Clements

Tags: Bo Bruce

Bo Bruce: 'I didn't think I would ever be heard'

The Voice finalist discusses 2012 rise to fame and upcoming solo album


Bo Bruce: 'I didn't think I would ever be heard'


Bo Bruce shot to fame on this year's series of The Voice UK. While she didn't win the show, she was seen as a credible finalist, and has recently released a 'taster' of her upcoming solo material, 'The Fall'.

Prior to entering the show, Bruce was a struggling singer wondering if her work would ever be heard. Since then she was worked with chill-out maestros Zero 7 and the producers of hotly tipped 2013 newcomers, Kodaline. We caught up with Bruce as she prepares to put The Voice behind her and release her debut solo album...

Would we be right in thinking 2012 has been a bit of highlight for you?
It’s been the maddest year ever. It’s been pretty shit as well but some of the most amazing things have happened to me.

What has been the standout moment of the year?
Doing the album and getting this amazing thing off the ground. Everyday working with people that I could never imagine working with.

At the start of 2012, did you ever think you'd be a well known singer with an album almost ready for release?
Not at all, it was always a hope and a dream. I hadn't given up but I was thinking ‘is this ever going to get heard?’ It’s all been a bit of a shock, but a brilliant one

Do you think you would be where you are now without the exposure from The Voice? The Voice was an incredible platform that I will always be so grateful for. The thing about the voice for me is that I was so lucky to sing what I wanted to sing and say what I wanted to say. I didn't have to jump through a million hoops just to get out there and be seen which again was a bit of a shock, but a good one.

Bo Bruce's debut album will be out in early 2013

Are you keen to put that behind you now and be seen as an artist in your own right, or are you proud of your time on the TV show?
Yeah, but in a humble way because it did a lot of amazing things for me. What I am doing now is completely different because I'm creating something that is very much my own.

Is the record finished - and what can we expect from it?
It is sort of. It’s meant to be finished. It’s been a really long process and there's a lot of raw honest stuff on there. There are also some big moments that I can’t wait to play live and run around with. It’s something very real and honest which I am proud of.

You've worked with Zero 7 and the same producers as Kodaline on the album. What other artists would you consider (or like to think of) working with?
I dream of working with Sigur Ros. I'm currently wading through Brian Eno's 'A Year With Swollen Appendices' and hope to be trapped in a studio with him, Sigur Ros and Damon Albarn. They would be able to wrench stuff from my soul that I didn't even know existed as I have so much still to learn. 

Which artists inspired you to make music?
A lot. Bands like Massive Attack. A lot of Britpop stuff that was going on as I was growing up. It’s strange to be working with Henry from Zero 7 and Johnny Quinn from Snow Patrol because when I was 19 that was the stuff that was on my little ghetto-blaster.

Has anyone left you starstruck since finding fame?
Kate Bush left me a message on her website saying hello and stuff. That was pretty mad and I keep saying how amazing it would be if I met her but, I wouldn't know what to say. I'm a huge fan and that was an epic moment.

What was it about 'The Fall' that made it the right introduction to your solo music?
'The Fall' is a taster of what the sound of the album will be like. I wanted to put something out that wasn't in your face and it just felt right because it is such a beautiful song. Me and Johnny created something that meant so much to both of us and I thought it would be a good move and on the album there are songs that are raw and real. There are pop elements and big songs that I want people to jump up and down to but 'The Fall' means a lot to me and I was keen to get that heard.

Watch Bo Bruce's album teaser 'The Fall' below:

With mainstream radio full of 'Pound The Alarms' and similar tracks, do you worry that more subtle tracks, such as 'The Fall', might get trampled underneath mainstream pop acts?
Yes to be honest, but I've been in the studio for so long, all those thoughts have gone out of the window because I just wanted to make music and I’ll think about that stuff afterwards. I know the industry has changed so much and the radio has changed but I didn't want to write with those thoughts in my head. I just wanted to write what I wanted and worry about the other stuff later.

If you could have achieved just one thing by the end of 2013, what would be your ultimate goal?
I want people to respond to the work that I have done. I don’t mean that I want millions of albums sold or sold-out stadiums, I just want to feel that the work I have done has moved someone and got under someones skin like it did mine when I was making it.

'The Fall' is out now.


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