by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Madonna

Video: Madonna yells at fans smoking at Santiago show

'You don't care for me. I don't care for you'


Video: Madonna yells at fans smoking at Santiago show


Madonna has launched an angry rant at fans during a soundcheck for a gig in Santiago when a member of her audience lit a cigarette. See a video of the incident below.

The singer was rehearsing for her show (outdoors, in the rain) when a fan watching the soundcheck decided to light a cigarette. Angered at the fan's smoking, Madonna threatened to quit the show altogether.

"There's people smoking right now. No smoking. Where are they smoking?" She asks angrily.

"If you're going to smoke cigarettes I'm not going to do a show," she adds, to screams of anger and upset from the crowd.

"You don't care about me. I don't care about you. Alright? Are we going to play that game?" She says to the smoking fan.

"I can't sing if you smoke," she says. "Entiendes?"

Check out an angry, wet Madonna below.

Madonna's MDNA tour in 2012 has been hit with controversy and moderate reviews, but the star's worldwide jaunt has recently been revealed as the biggest grossing tour of the year.

According to figures from Billboard, Madge raked in a staggering $228 million for the tour, pipping Bruce Springsteen's jaunt which earned $198 million.

Below: Whiskey, gunfire and a strip-tease - Madonna hits Hyde Park


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