by Amy Davidson | Photos by

Tags: Psy

Watch: teachers criticised for 'Gangnam Style' spoof video

Teachers' video came under fire by local councillor


Watch: teachers criticised for 'Gangnam Style' spoof video


There's really no escaping Gangnam Style parody videos - they're everywhere, but the thing about viral sensations is the inevitable backlash. Teachers at secondary school Mount Carmel RC in Lancaster have discovered this after the local councillor has expressed his disapproval of their spoof video.

The YouTube video, which now has nearly 17,000 views features the staff on the last day before the Christmas holiday dancing to Gangnam Style in various situations. Scenes include staff doing the dance's token moves in school corridors, classroms and meetings before all ending up in the school gym for the grande finale. One scene shows teachers in the changing rooms with towels to protect their modesty.

Students clearly saw the funny side of the video, with one comment saying: 'CANNOT GET OVER THE FACT MISS WELCH IS STOOD ON A DESK DOING GANGNAM STYLE!!!!!' However local Conservative councillor didn't share their opinion. Speaking to the Daily Mail, Conservative Councillor Peter Britcliffe insisted:

'I am not a killjoy but I have looked at the piece, which is being discussed all over Accrington. It is the talk of the town's young people.

'Having viewed it myself, while most of it is just good fun, there are parts of it certainly that might not improve the respect there should be between teachers and pupils.'

PSY's hit single was a viral smash during 2012

Head teacher of Mount Carmel RC defended the video and claimed it would do the opposite of damaging student-teacher relationships. He said:

'As far as Mr Britcliffe's comment, I can assure him that this kind of thing strengthens the relationship between teachers, pupils and parents who have given us an overwhelmingly good response. This is a spoof, like the one done by soldiers serving in Afghanistan.'

Watch the video below.

 Below: the real deal - PSY performs 'Gangnam Style' on Australian TV


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