by Grace Carroll | Photos by YouTube / The Pet Collective

Tags: One Direction

Watch: 'Pup Direction' feature in new One Direction parody video

Puppies recreate the band's 'Kiss You' clip


Watch: 'Pup Direction' feature in new One Direction parody video

Photo: YouTube / The Pet Collective

It seems that the Internet's obsession with baby animals just won't end - or so we gather from this One Direction parody video, featuring puppies. 

The video comes from a user named The Pet Collective, and isn't just a bunch of dogs running around in time to One Direction's 'Kiss You'. No, these dogs are dressed up in near identical outfits and recreating the video almost exactly.

And yes, that does include skiing, prison jumpsuit costumes, driving cars and even surfing. The dogs look slightly bizarre standing on their hind legs, and have been held up by their owners who have then been removed from the shot.

Plus, the song - retitled 'Lick You' for the video - doesn't have the boys' usual vocals but instead a series of barks, whines and whimpers. Which could be, dare we say it, almost an improvement...

The video has already gained 28,000 views and shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

This isn't the first time The Pet Collective had parodied a video with puppies, with previous videos covering 'Pawdele's' 'Rolling In The Deep' and 'Corgie' Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe'.

Plus, there's a live pug cam. So that's something sure to brighten up your day.

Man vs beast: when animals get the better of rock stars


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