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Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga's ARTPOP still 'really rough', says dance producer Zedd

German star gives update on her third album


Lady Gaga's ARTPOP still 'really rough', says dance producer Zedd


Anyone waiting for a new Lady Gaga album may have to sit tight for a while longer - ARTPOP is still in the very early stages, a producer on the record has revealed.

Gaga is working with producer Zedd on the star's third album, and despite the pair having worked on ARTPOP for over 12 months, the record is still far from finished.

The problem with her is obviously that I'm busy and I tour a lot, but she's probably a lot busier than I am, so it's hard to find time to work on something together," says the German producer in an interview with MTV.

"We've been working on it for over a year now. There's still a lot of work left, so we're definitely gonna work on this project for the next month."

"I did about 10 ideas, and they were all between almost finished songs up to the piano, and then when we were on tour together in Asia for almost two months," he added.

"We had a lot of time to go back and forth and pick the ones we really like and work on them. But they're still all really rough - it could be five, it could be 10, it could be anything we want."

As well as producing ARTPOP, Zedd has built up his own fanbase

Zedd also adds that he had no fear in telling Gaga when her work wasn't up to scratch, revealing he often told her to re-record track parts.

He adds: "I can say, 'That was not good. You can do better'. And when it's good I'll say 'It's great'."

Watch the video for Zedd's current single, featuring Foxes, below

Below: Lady Gaga causes controversy with her 'gun-bra'


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