by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Beyonce

Did Beyonce mime? Accusers now state they are 'uncertain'

The band say they 'don't know' whether she mimed


Did Beyonce mime? Accusers now state they are 'uncertain'

Photo: WENN

The Marine Band, who performed with Beyonce at Barack Obama's second inauguration this week and initially blamed the singer of miming, have now stated they are unsure whether she lip-synched or not.

A representative for the band previously told the New York Post that Beyonce had chosen to use a pre-recorded vocal track, and that the band did perform live.

However, a new statement from the band says that although they were in fact playing along to a pre-recorded track, they have no way of knowing whether or not Beyonce was miming.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the statement reads, "The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) requested that the Marine Band accompany Beyonce Knowles-Carter in the performance of the Star-Spangled Banner at the 2013 Inaugural Ceremony.

"However, there was no opportunity for Ms. Knowles-Carter to rehearse with the Marine Band before the Inauguration so it was determined that a live performance by the band was ill-advised for such a high-profile event.

"Each piece of music scheduled for performance in the Inauguration is pre-recorded for use in case of freezing temperatures, equipment failure, or extenuating circumstances.

"Regarding Ms. Knowles-Carter’s vocal performance, no one in the Marine Band is in a position to assess whether it was live or pre-recorded."

Watch Beyonce's performance below

Aretha Franklin recently spoke about the Beyonce controversy, saying that she found the incident and surrounding controversy funny.

Franklin told ABC News, "When I heard the news this evening that she was pre-recorded I really laughed. I thought it was funny because the weather down there was about 46 or 44 degrees and for most singers that is just not good singing weather.

"When I heard that I just really cracked up. I thought it was really funny, but she did a beautiful job with the pre-record."

Below: Beyonce steals the show at Barack Obama's second inuaguration


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