by Michael Baggs | Photos by / Splash / Press

Tags: Beyonce

10 reasons we don't mind if Beyonce mimes or not

The Beyonce moments that make one lip-synch totally irrelevant


10 reasons we don't mind if Beyonce mimes or not

Photo: / Splash / Press

Did Beyonce mime or not at Barack Obama's second inauguration this week? Who cares. It's Beyonce for goodness sake!

The star hit headlines after it was reported that her cover of 'The Star Spangled Banner' was pre-recorded, and that she mimed to a backing track. The reports, which were pored over by experts, later denied and even made Aretha Franklin laugh out loud, have been in the headlines all week. Beyonce has, of course, stayed silent over the whole affair, instead concerning herself with more pressing matters - such as being Beyonce.

Whether she sung live, whether she mimed, it really doesn't matter. Below are the reasons the lip-synch drama is totally irrelevant, as each is reason enough to excuse this superstar...

1. She gave us THIS video

2. She was the best thing at Glastonbury in 2011

3. She posed for THIS promo shot

4. She fell down the stairs

5. Her dancing is so sexy she can breathe fire (well, smoke at least)

6. She released the incredible 'Why Don't You Love Me' video

7. She wrote an amazing letter to Barack Obama

8. She released one of the best pop singles ever. Ever ever

 9. She helped Lady Gaga escape jail

10. And of course, she invented one of the best girl groups of all time

Below: Beyonce upstages Barack Obama at his own inauguration


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