by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Spice Girls

Headline of the week? Spice Girl falls into crocodile infested river

Comic Relief challenge goes wrong for Mel C


Headline of the week? Spice Girl falls into crocodile infested river


Former Spice Girl Melanie Chisholm had to be rescued from a crocodile infested river as a Comic Relief challenge went wrong in Africa this week.

The singer had embarked on a 68 mile journey on Africa's River Zambezi along with a number of other celebrities to raise money for Red Nose Day, but the trip turned out to be more dangerous than first thought.

The challenge took a turn for the worse when Chisolm and co-rider Jack Dee found themselves battling against fierce currents and eventually capsizing into the dangerous river.

The charity's official Twitter feed read: "Jack and Mel lost control of their dinghy, were dragged through trees by the white water & capsized before being rescued."

"Everyone is safe and well, but the last two hours have been incredibly dramatic. Everyone is shaken but physically fine now - but that was as frightening a morning as you'd ever want to have."

Mel C had to be rescued from the River Zambezi 

Other famous faces on the expedition along Africa's fourth biggest river include Radio 1 DJ Greg James, comedian Dara O' Briain and Olympian Phillips Idowu.

There will also be a whole host of celebrity challenges leading up to the even including pop star Jessie J being shaved completely bald.

Below: Spice Girls reunite (again) at Viva Forever premiere


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