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Tags: Marilyn Manson 

Marilyn Manson suing woman over pro-Nazi accusations

Singer claims he has been defamed, seeks £30,000


Marilyn Manson suing woman over pro-Nazi accusations Photo:

Marilyn Manson is suing a woman who claimed she was engaged to him and then went on to accuse him of being pro-Nazi.

Yolanda Tharpe announced to various news outlets last year thyat she was engaged to the shock rocker, despite Manson's claims that he has no idea who she is.

Accoprding to Billboard, the singer alleges that she began telling people he was pro-Nazi when he ask her to leave him alone, with her claiming he didn't "want to be seen with African-American women like her" after he demanded she retract the statement about their engagement.

Tharpe is being sued over five claims of defamation, misappropriation of common law right of publicity, unlawful use of Manson's name for commercial advantage, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Manson is apparently seeking £30,000 in compensation.

The news of the law suit came to light on Tuesday (January 29) at Los Angeles Superior Court with the singer revealing "months-long campaign of defamation and harassment" from Tharpe.

Tharpe, who uses the stage name Seraphim Ward and claims to be a musician and independent occult filmmaker, claims that Manson is stalking her and is "responsible for the deaths of her two cats."

Marilyn Manson insists he doesn't know Yolanda Tharpe

The end of 2012 saw Manson sharing a picture of his mutilated ear, which had to be stitched back on after a fight at a concert in Switzerland during which he was apparently hit with a glass table.

Below: The 10 most bizarre musical lawsuits ever

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