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Tags: Lily Allen

Lily Allen nervous about her return to music

Has it been too long since she was big?


Lily Allen nervous about her return to music


Lily Allen is apparently anxious about making her return to music, worrying that it’s been too long since she was big.

The singer, now known as Lily Rose Cooper, is at present working on her third studio album and apparently it’s significantly different from her previous work.

Speaking to The Sun, a source said: “She feels it’s been too long since she was big. She’s really anxious about what people will think of her new material and whether they’ll like it – indeed, whether they’ll still like her.

“She’s having a kind of identity crisis at the moment. She’s trying to reinvent her image because before she had a ‘f**k you’ attitude which just isn’t relavent now she’s a mother.

“She’s been through a lot since her last album so she’s going to explore that pain and experience on her new album.”

Lily recently welcomed her second daughter, Marnie Rose, to the world and is aiming to release her new album at some point this year.

Lily says she won't reveal the new music until she thinks it's up to scratch

Last year the singer, who had been thought to have retired, revealed that she was working on new material, but said it wouldn’t be released until she felt that the music was amazing.

The last time Lily made a vocal appearance was when she contributed to Pink’s album The Truth About Love.

Below: Music star baby boom: Lily Allen and more stars popping out babies


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