by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Chris Brown

Chris Brown's community service police chief resigns

Bryan T Norwood quits following Brown's incomplete service accusations


Chris Brown's community service police chief resigns


Richmond police chief, Bryan T Norwood has resigned following accusations that Chris Brown's community service was incomplete - a case that the police chief was in charge of.

The chief of police signed off on Brown's alleged 180 hours of community labour, but has become embroiled in the centre of an investigation into the amount of hours the singer actually completed.

Norwood announced his decision on Monday (11 February) to which Major Dwight C Jones made this statement: "We've reached a mutual agreement that his time as Richmond police chief has come to an end."

According to TMZ, Norwood was 'instrumental in removing Brown's case from the Richmond Probation Dept and placing it squarely in his hands,' which allowed Brown to finish his community service in his home state.

The police chief had been in charge since 2008 and wrote to Judge Patricia Schnegg confirming that Brown had served 202 days of supervised manual labour in Richmond.

Chris Brown has been accused of not completing his community service

However, the Deputy District Attorney Mary Murray recently slammed the report suggesting it was 'at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent'.

The 23-year-old singer had to attend a court hearing last week to answer questions about his community service. The case has been scheduled to continue on 5 April 2013.

Below: Seven defining moments of Chris Brown, 2012


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