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Tags: Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks attacks gay rights organisations

Rapper labels GLAAD as 'complete bulls**t'


Azealia Banks attacks gay rights organisations


Azealia Banks launched into an attack on gay rights organisations who have spoken out about her use of the word 'f****t'.

Banks was speaking to in an interview that turned into Banks turning the air blue when describing the criticism she has received.

When describing her feelings towards the reaction she has endured, the American rapper said: "F**k being a f***t, f**k being a n****r. F**k being whatever.”

“There are such bigger problems… and then you've got organisations like GLAAD [Gay And Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation], which are f**king complete bulls**t.

“I mean let's look at it, it's gay and lesbian alliance against defamation, or whatever…. That's what it stands for, right?

"I mean would you agree that homosexuals, and the homosexual community, have bigger problems than the word f****t, you know what I mean?"

Banks went on to say that the media would not 'tear her down' and she has no problems with gay men as she has 'sex with men too'.

The issue began when Banks embarked on a rant against celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, calling him a 'messy f****t'. GLAAD hit out at the rapper saying, "This word is used almost universally by bullies, often as part of a larger verbal or physical assault. This word hurts those kids, no matter what Banks meant by it."

Azealia Banks attacked GLAAD in a recent interview

Banks debut album Broke With Expensive Taste is set to be released in March and she finished the interview by trying to put an end to the issue.

She added: "The fact that we're even having this conversation means that it's gone on too long. It's just like, no. You know what I mean? Let's talk about something else. This is just going to go in circles, you know what I mean? In 212, when I'm talking about licking p***y, and I'm like, outing the f*g on 212, come on, let's get over it. I mean end of f**king discussion. Next.”

Watch the video for Azealia's 'Harlem Shake' remix below

Below - The best album art of 2012: Best Coast, Azealia Banks and more


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