by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Lily Allen

Lily Allen, Rita Ora, MIA perform at Paris underwear show

Singers surrounded by models in their smalls


Lily Allen, Rita Ora, MIA perform at Paris underwear show


26 February, 2013: How easy would you find it to do your job if you were surrounded by models in their underwear? Not very, we'd guess, but Lily Allen, Rita Ora and MIA were all forced to battle through such arduous conditions during a show at Paris Fashion Week last night.

The three female UK stars all performed live at the ETAM lingeries show in Paris, and while Rita Ora is at the stage of her career where touring and live performances are part of her daily grind, a live show from Lily Allen is more out of the ordinary.

Allen recently gave birth to her second daughter, Marnie Rose, on 8 January 2013, and this was her first live performance since then. In fact, any Lily Allen performance is a rare one these days, considering she retired from music in 2009.

Check out photos of Lily Allen, Rita Ora, MIA and a host of scantily clad models performing in Paris here.


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