by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna

Rihanna granted restraining order on obsessed fan after break-in

Steveland Barrow to stay 100 yards from star


Rihanna granted restraining order on obsessed fan after break-in


Rihanna has been granted a restraining order against an obsessive fan who was arrested for attempting to break into her home recently.

Steveland Barrow broke into Rihanna's neighbour's home last week (February 21) as he believed the house belonged to the 'Stay' singer and confessed to stealing from the property.

A source told TMZ that Rihanna was worried for her safety after Barrow told police he had been invited to her home and slept in a bed that he believed to be hers.

A judge has granted a temporary protection order which means Barrow must not come with 100 yards of Rihanna, her workplaces or her properties.

Rihanna has put a restraining order on an obsessed fan 

The 25-year-old is no stranger to restraining orders as she had one against her on/off boyfriend Chris Brown after he assaulted her in 2009.

However, the showbiz couple seem to be back together again as Rihanna has forgiven Brown for beating her up four years ago.

Brown recently told The Mirror: "That night was the deepest regret of my life, the biggest mistake. But she loves me - what can I say? I'm forgiven... but, yes, I worked hard for it."

Below: Rihanna's $12 million home


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