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by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Amy Winehouse 

Blake Fielder-Civil: 'I regret introducing Amy Winehouse to heroin'

Amy's ex tells Jeremy Kyle of their drug abuse


Blake Fielder-Civil: 'I regret introducing Amy Winehouse to heroin' Photo: WENN

Amy Winehouse's former husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, admitted that he was the one who introduced the troubled singer to heroin.

Appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show, with his mother Georgette and current girlfriend Sarah, Blake admitted that he was the one responsible for getting Amy hooked on drugs.

"I’ve admitted that I was there when she did it the first time, yeah, it was my doing," he said. "I don’t know if she ever experienced it without me. The fact that makes it easier is alcohol was what killed Amy."

He went on to speak about the first time Amy experimented with the drug, saying, "I'd taken it about three or four times, we were in a hotel in East London and I think I had about £10 of heroin with me, which is something I used to do after a club.

"I was smoking it on foil and she said, 'Can I try some?' I think I might have put up a weak resistance, the fact is whatever I said she did end up having some."

Blake also admitted that he does have regrets about being the one to introduce Amy to the drugs. He told Jeremy Kyle, "That goes without saying, of course. I have to be really conscious about what I say because I don't want it to seem that I'm shirking responsibility.

"The fact is that of course I regret it; not only just because of the damage it's caused Amy and the loss of her life and the damage to her family, but also to my family and also to me. We've all gone through this addiction."

Blake continued, talking about the moment he found out about Amy's death, and the fact that he was in jail at the time.

Blake Fielder-Civil talking about his marriage to Amy Winehouse with Jeremy Kyle

"The officers opened the door and said can you come with us," he said. "One of the seniors asked me a few questions, like if I was still married to Amy. Then he said Amy died earlier that day. For two or three minutes I was a bit pathetic, saying, 'It won't be Amy it will be someone that looks like her or a hoax.’

"I made them show me six or seven websites. Each time I found it harder and harder to take on. I broke down and couldn't stop crying. Then I was put back in the cell.

"I had a good cell mate. He'd watched it on the news; he was crying and gave me a hug when I got back."

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