by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Adele

Oscar winner Adele still has to make cups of tea for her nan

Anita Adkins won't give her niece any 'special treatment'


Oscar winner Adele still has to make cups of tea for her nan


Adele may be one of the most successful music stars on the planet, but even winning an Oscar doesn't ensure special behaviour at home, as her Aunt Anita Atkins has revealed she still has to make tea for her nan when she is with her family.

The 24-year-old singer has just picked up an Oscar for her hit James Bond soundtrack 'Skyfall' as well as a Brit, a Golden Globe and Grammy award in the space of a few weeks, but aunt Anita doesn't think it's gone to her head at all.

Anita told The Sun: "She doesn’t get any special treatment - of course not. Why would she? There’s plenty of nieces, nephews and grandchildren in this family so no one gets any special treatment, I can tell you. They’re all treated the same.

"Adele comes round and she’s still got to go and make her nan a cup of tea, I’m afraid."

Adele's family are clearly very close as Anita revealed the whole family streamed the Oscars ceremony through the night to see Adele win and even burst into tears during her acceptance speech.

Adele's awards success hasn't gone to her head, say aunt Anita Adkins

She added: "We streamed it live online through the night. When Adele burst into tears, we all did the same. We’re all quite strong but we’re also very emotional. Adele’s one of us. We feel what she feels."

Speaking of what might be next for the singer's music career, her aunt joked that there wasn't much more she could achieve.

Anite said: "There’s not a lot more for her to top now, is there? She’s worked her way through all the awards."

Below - The making of an icon: how Adele has changed from 2008 to 2013

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