by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger criticises Justin Bieber for late London gig

Singer says she would not have waited


Nicole Scherzinger criticises Justin Bieber for late London gig


Pussycat Dolls star and 2012 X Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger has slammed Justin Bieber for his late arrival at a London gig earlier this month, claiming she would never leave her fans waiting.

The singer was quizzed on Bieber's behaviour after he was two hours late on stage at his London gig on 4 March left fans upset, with some forced to leave before the show began, it started so late. Scherizinger claims such behaviour is OK for superstars, but that Bieber has some way to go until he can act in such a way.

When asked if she would have waited for Bieber in an interview with Digital Spy, Scherzinger said she would not.

"I mean, if it were someone like Whitney Houston I'd be waiting," she tells the website, before adding she is too old for late nights anyway. "I'm getting too old to stay up late these days so I don't have a lot of patience for that kind of thing."

Justin Bieber arrived on stage in London - two hours late - on Monday 4 March 2013

Scherzinger claims she would never leave her own fans waiting, saying: "My team run this ship like a military. I run a tight, tight ship.

"When you've got a lot of young fans like I do, it's important to be on time. Especially if they have school the next day!"

Below: late on stage - the stars who really need to get a watch


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