by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger backing Sharon Osbourne for X Factor comeback

Star also uncertain about own return to show


Nicole Scherzinger backing Sharon Osbourne for X Factor comeback


Nicole Scherzinger has revealed she wants former X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne to return to the show, despite having no idea what her own future with the show holds.

Speaking at last night's Comic Relief's Give It Up concert, Scherzinger told ITN that since it was Osbourne who first brought Scherzinger to the show as a guest judge, she was backing the music matriarch's comeback.

Sharon Osbourne first introduced me to the X Factor as a guest judge so I'm team Sharon all the way," she told the TV station. "She's a righteous mamma!"

Scherzinger was less certain about her own role on the 2013 show however, claiming there had been no discussion between her and show producers about returning for a second year - and neither could she shed any light on suggestions that Tulisa had been axed from the show.

"We haven't had the talks yet.You'll know before I do I'm sure," she said of her own role, before adding that she believed Tulisa would "do what is right for her."

Back for 2013? Osbourne is tipped for return to the X Factor this year

Scherzinger has remained tight-lipped about her possible return to the X Factor, recently revealing she was 'dancing around' the possibility of a return.

Speaking to MailOnline, Nicole said, "I'm definitely dancing around with the idea. The show was one of my greatest highs from next year, having two of my contestants in the next two for the first time ever on the show was quite an accomplishment for me and for my boys.

She finished by adding, "But we're just going to have to see."

Below: Mel B, Tulisa and more - when roles on reality TV backfire badly


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