by Adam Tait | Photos by Press

Tags: Daft Punk

Will Daft Punk finally release new material on teased date?

Leaked 2012 image named 3.13.13 (it didn't happen, FYI)


Will Daft Punk finally release new material on teased date?

Photo: Press

Amid the frantic speculation that surrounds the closely guarded secrets of Daft Punk's fourth studio album, 13 March 2013 is the date initially hinted at last year for the premiere of new Daft Punk material.

The suspiciously authentic looking image was simply the Daft Punk logo above the words 'No End', believed to be the new record's title, and the date 3.13.13 - which is tomorrow.

So is Daft Punk's new record really going to be released tomorrow?

Well, there's certainly been a build of hype over the last two weeks or so.

OK, so those four 'Daft Punk' tracks weren't Daft Punk, they were done by a YouTube user called ArtInstitute2011. But the 15-second teaser clip played during an episode of SNL definitely was them.

The YouTube scammer's shenanigans made everyone super suspicious when 'Future Is Now' was leaked. Chances are the track's another fake, not cohesive with the disco vibe we know Nile Rogers has brought to the new record.

But the label seemed to rush to remove video of the track, suggesting some element of authenticity. Perhaps not a genuine album track, but a genuine 'leak' intended to excite the fans.

The fact is, if Daft Punk were going to release an album tomorrow, they certainly won't be giving us any forewarning.

Rumour upon rumour have consistently put the album's release date in Spring 2013, which we're in now, just about.

Even omitting the Art Institute fakes, the promotional material casually slipped onto the internet and teaser material on TV has been on the increase in recent months, suggesting we're definitely getting closer to the zero hour.

But, that said, all those things equally prove that the French duo are masters of winding their fans up; teasing and baiting them until they're near-hysteric with excitement and speculation before they unveil the actual finished article.

This was the image posted by website InTheMix last September

With that in mind, sticking to a release date that was posted online way back in September doesn't seem like Daft Punk's style, and they've even changed record label since then. 

There won't be too much of a time gap between TV teasers, online leaks and artwork releases and the real thing, there's no point at hinting at something and then letting everyone forget. But the chances of that very early, leaked, date proving to be true seem fairly slim.

We hope that we wake up to news of a new Daft Punk album, but we're ready to be disappointed and to wait a little longer.

 Below: No End: Everything we know about the new Daft Punk album


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