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Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber slams Lindsay Lohan (and her taxes) in Instagram rant

Canadian star denies similarity to US actress


Justin Bieber slams Lindsay Lohan (and her taxes) in Instagram rant


Troubled popstar Justin Bieber has been taking aim at the press since he left London, but he's now also taken a swing at Lindsay Lohan.

In a rant posted to his Instagram account Bieber asserted that he was a good person and was doing a good job growing up in the spotlight, and said that those comparing him to Lindsay Lohan should look at her 2012 tax statements.

"Everyone in my team has been telling me, 'keep the press happy' but I'm tired of all the countless lies in the press right now. Saying I'm going to rehab and how my family is disappointed in me," he wrote.

"My family is beyond proud, and nothing's been said by them, my grandparents wouldn't know how to reach the press even of (sic) they did want to so that was a lie and rehab cmon. if Anyone believes i need rehab thats their own stupidity."

Last week it was reported that Bieber's grandmother had said she thought he should do a free show in London to make it up to any fans he disappointed by showing up late.

"[I'm] 19 and I've accomplished more than I could've ever dreamed of, i'm 19 and it must be scary to some people to think this is just the beginning."

He continued to say that he believed in himself and his own talents and that he encouraged others to do the same.

He concluded his message by saying "And to those comparing me to Lindsey Lohan look at her 2012 tax statements ;)."

Lohan has struggled with debt and bankruptcy and has had several stints in rehab as a result of her partying ways.

Fans and their parents were left outraged when the singer was two hours late

Bieber later reposted the message with the reference to Lohan removed.

The 'Baby' singer had a hard time during his week in London, during which he showed up two hours late to a show at the O2, leaving parents of his fans furious, and got into a confrontation with photographers.

His manager Scooter Braun later described the UK tabloids as being "full of s**t."

 Below: Justin Bieber brawls with photographer outside London hotel


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