by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Hurts

Noel and Liam invited to join international Gallagher reunion

The Gallagher Global Gathering invites rockers


Noel and Liam invited to join international Gallagher reunion

Photo: WENN

The Gallagher Global Gathering is an event which sees Gallaghers from all over the world attend - and the organisers have invited Noel and Liam Gallagher along, too.

The event is for people with the Gallagher surname, and takes place in Donegal, Ireland, over a ten day period. The organisers have asked Noel and Liam to attend, in the hopes that they could reunite.

A spokesperson told the New Scotsman, "We are extending a special invitation to Noel and Liam Gallagher. We hope they will be interested because of the songwriting and musical aspects, but also because it's a Gallagher family gathering.

"We are having people from New Zealand and Australia and all over the world coming over for the gathering."

However, they shouldn't get their hopes up - Liam blasted any likelihood that he would reconcile with his brother only a few months ago.

"F**k Oasis as far as I'm concerned - and f**k Noel Gallagher," he told the Daily Star. "The thought of going onstage with that f**king idiot and hanging out with his daft mates, the pretend drug addicts and all his snobs from Sloane Street... F**k that, not interested, mate."

Liam won't be heading to gatherings with Noel any time soon

And there's no love lost between the two, as last year, Noel labelled his brother a "squeaky toy that swears a lot... in a blazer."

He added, "I'm 45. He's 40. It's not like me with my two lads - 'Give him his Darth Vadar mask now!' He's doing his thing. I'm doing mine.

"We text each other at Christmas. I saw him at a party after the Olympics - he did the usual which was hurl an insult at me and walk off."

Noel Gallagher's big gob: pop stars feel the force


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