by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber thrown out of Paris hotel due to screaming fans

Bieber and Europe really aren't getting on


Justin Bieber thrown out of Paris hotel due to screaming fans


Justin Bieber's press coverage refuses to improve, after being thrown out of the poshest hotel in Paris on the weekend.

The teen pop star, who struggled with the press during his stay in the UK, took several suites with his team at the Meurice Hotel on Sunday, a Paris hotel which often welcomes royal guests. He apparently caused trouble by whipping fans into a frenzy outside the hotel, The Sun reports.

The newspaper reports a local TV host said the 19-year-old singer was sent packing due to his 'attitude'.

An insider at the hotel told The Sun: "The kids were screaming everywhere. he clearly encouraged them."

The hotel said that the singer left suddenly, but that he was not asked to leave.

He was seen checking into another Paris hotel ahead of his gig in Paris tonight.

Any hotel that welcomes the star will have to deal with hordes of screaming girls

The 'Never Say Never' singer recently took to his online accounts to hit back at recent reports on him, saying that many reports in the press were lies and that he was judged only by God.

He also had a dig at Lindsay Lohan after being compared to the trouble actress, by later retracted his comments.

Below: Justin Bieber brawls with London photographers outside London hotel


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