by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Girls Aloud

Nadine Coyle blamed for Girls Aloud split being on 'terrible terms'

Singer's protests said to have angered bandmates


Nadine Coyle blamed for Girls Aloud split being on 'terrible terms'


Girls Aloud may have marked their ten year anniversary with a triumphant tour, but sources claim their split was 'terrible' as they called time on their career.

Rumours of a rift between UK members of the group and LA-based Irish singer Nadine Coyle have re-surfaced, with claims that Nadine's recent comments that the break-up was the work of her bandmates caused arguements among the girls.

"They have parted on terrible terms," says a source to The Mirror newspaper. "The girls hadn't seen much of US-based Nadine until they reunited for the tour and now it doesn't look like they'll ever see much of her once she's gone back to LA.

"As soon as Sarah saw the tweet she called Nadine to say how angry she was. The tweet made it look like the girls went behind Nadine's back to make the decision.

"But the plan had always been to split after the tour. Nadine also felt the sharp end of Cheryl's tongue. Nadine's behaviour has left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth."

The final night of Girls Aloud's Ten tour was emotional for the girlgroup

Following the announcement of their split, Coyle told followers on Twitter that she had no part in the decision.

She had previously told Twitter fans: "You should know by now I had no part in any of this split business. I couldn't stop them. I had the best time & want to keep going."

Below: Girls Aloud sob on stage as they perform emotional farewell show


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