by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Kasabian

Kasabian: 'Guitar bands can't dominate music any more'

Serge Pizzorno thinks more choice is a good thing


Kasabian: 'Guitar bands can't dominate music any more'


Before Christmas we might've all been talking about the 'rise of the guitar bands ' in 2013, but Kasabian's Serge Pizzorno has said he doesn't think guitar music can dominate music culture in the way it used to.

The band's songwriter and chief guitarist blamed the increase in musical outlets for people's diluted interest in guitar music, but said it was a good thing.

Speakin to NME ahead of their show at the Royal Albert Hall for the Teenage Cancer Trust, Pizzorno said: "It's not so much that bands aren't important, but that people don't have the same response.

"It's hard to dominate culture like it used to be; I don't think it's possible any more. It's so diluted and there are so many outlets."

By way of explanation he added: "When there used to be one music channel that would repeat the same music videos, you were bound to get into Nirvana because they were played all day, everyday.

"Obviously that's some of the most incredible music ever made, but it was very easy to tune in. Now the choice is a god thing, but it makes things very different."

Pizzorno also spoke abouthis band's plans for a follow up album to 2011's 'Velociraptor!' and about what they most wanted to achieve with their music.

"Now we play these huge festivals with 60 or 70,000 people stood in front of you - that energy is so big that the music needs to be able to bring people together and make people move.

"I'm more into the people side of things, rather than worrying about things being massive on the radio. I'm looking for more of the mantra and repetitiveness and drones. There's something so powerful about that."

Pizzorno says there's more choice, but that's a good thing

Pizzorno also took the opportunity to clear up rumours that he had leaked details of The Rolling Stones playing Glastonbury this year, saying he only knew what he had read elsewhere.

"It's hilarious. As if I've got inside information on that," he said.

"I said it, but everyone said it. I thought everyone knew; I only red it somewher else. I think someone just wanted to write it and used me [as the voice]."

Below: 13 reasons to be excited about guitar music in 2013


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