by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Beyonce

The creepiest music waxworks: Britney, Barlow, MJ and more

They will come to life and probably kill you


The creepiest music waxworks: Britney, Barlow, MJ and more


Some of you may have seen the brand new Britney Spears waxwork that was revealed in New York recently and thought, like us, that it doesn't resemble the popstar very much at all.

Is it just us or is this a common theme with any Madame Tussauds wax creation? They either turn out totally creepy or only really look like the subject if you stand back and squint. In the dark. Without your glasses. From across the road.

We have to warn you that some of these fake models are pretty creepy and may come back to haunt your dreams. Aplogies for that.

Take a look through our gallery to see what you think of some of the weirdest popstar waxworks around and make sure you look out for Gary Barlow's ginger hair - we couldn't work it out either. 


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