by Adam Tait | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Queen

Freddie Mercury dressed Princess Diana in drag to visit London gay clubs

Princess visited gay club in drag disguise


Freddie Mercury dressed Princess Diana in drag to visit London gay clubs

Photo: Wenn

Freddie Mercury once dressed Princess Diana as a man in order to take the royal to gay clubs in London, claims a new autobiography by a close friend of the pair.

The revelation comes from the autobiography of comedienne Cleo Rocos, which is being serialised in the Sunday Times, who was with the pair at the time.

Rocos recalls who they dressed the Princess in an army jacket, sunglasses and a cap for a night at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in south London.

“When we walked in... we felt she was obviously Princess Diana and would be discovered at any minute,” she writes.

“But people just seemed to blank her. She sort of disappeared. But she loved it.”

Rocos writes that she’s unsure whether or not Diana was hit on in the bar in her disguise, but does say she “did look like a beautiful young man.”

Cleo Rocos appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2007

As Mercury, Rocos and their third companion Kenny Everett were all famous faces themselves, they diverted attention away from Diana and she was able to order drinks at the bar without being bothered, Rocos says.

Diana was killed in a Paris car crash in 1997 while Mercury died in 1991 from an AIDS-related illness.

Below: Kurt Cobain, Bono, Freddie Mercury: The greatest frontmen of all time


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