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Tags: Suede

Suede: 'Bloodsports is the start of new chapter'

Brett Anderson claims maturity has made Suede better, and relationship with Bernard Butler is healed


Suede: 'Bloodsports is the start of new chapter'


Suede frontman Brett Anderson has revealed that the band's current album Bloodsports is more than just a comeback record, and is instead the beginning of a 'new chapter' for the former Britpop stars.

Bloodsports hit No.10 when it was released in March 2013, and despite recent comments by Anderson criticising reunited bands and pop stars of the nineties, the 'Trash' star has plans to continue in his revived music career with further album releases.

"I've learned before, to my eternal regret, that if a creative relationship works you're a fool to throw it away." Anderson tells The Daily Mail, discussing his previously troubled relationship with Suede bandmate Bernard Butler. "So now Suede's relationships work again, I'd like to think we could make another great record to follow this great record and start a new chapter for the band."

Anderson also adds that the band's newfound maturity was a huge benefit, saying that Suede were happy to leave the rock'n'roll antics to younger artists, while they saved the 'fireworks' for their stage shows.

"In the 90s, a gig was just another moment in the crazy carnival of our day. Now the shows are all we care about - I can't be bothered with the other bullshit any more," he continues. "I've done all that, and it's a dull cliche anyway, which I'll leave for new bands to find out for themselves," he added. "We know our job is to play great shows, which seems unromantic and not very rock 'n' roll, but it means when we're on stage there's fireworks."

Brett Anderson claims Suede are better now the fireworks are saved for the stage

Anderson has previously criticised bands who have reformed for the wrong reasons, claiming the reality of many is a let down for fans.

"It sounds slightly contradictory and slightly ironic, but I'm not really a big fan of reunions," he said in an interview with Gigwise. "I think 99 per cent of people get it wrong and they do it for nostalgia or money. It's very hard to re-capture the energy and spontaneity that put you there in the first place.

"I think people get very excited about the idea of reunions, but the reality of it is often a let down."

Below: stage fireworks from Suede


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