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Tags: Daft Punk

Daft Punk collaborators: who's on the new album?

Nile Rogers to Pharrell and Julian Casablancas? A who's who of Random Access Memories


Daft Punk collaborators: who's on the new album?


Anticipation ahead of the release of Daft Punk's new album Random Access Memories continues to build, with fans frantically speculating over what the new record might offer.

As with anything Daft Punk, it's important to take this with a massive pinch of salt, but a new list of collaborations on the new album seems generally believable - due to many of the producers and musicians named having been previously confirmed as having worked on the record.

Some names, like Nile Rodgers, are no surprise and others, like Julian Casablancas, have been rumoured for a while. But some of the names on the list are a little more obscure, like session guiatrist Paul Jackson Jr, or songwriter Paul Williams.

Check out details of all the apparent collaborators on the new Daft Punk album, provided that this isn't another red herring...



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