by Adam Tait | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Girls Aloud

Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding arrested for not stopping for police officer

Singer could be banned from driving


Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding arrested for not stopping for police officer

Photo: Wenn

Girls Aloud singer Sarah Harding is facing a hefty fine and a possible ban from driving, after she was arrested for failing to stop for police after being spotted talking on the phone while driving.

The Metro reports the singer was taken to Holborn police station in central London on Thursday after she carried on driving after an officer signalled for her to pull over.

A source told the Sunday Mirror: “Sarah was driving a 4x4 when a policeman on a bicycle saw her and tried to make her stop.

¨“He was trying to flag her down but she carried on down the road where she was pulled over a couple of minutes later.

¨“She was talking to the police by the side of the road for a while before she was arrested. Apparently Sarah was very upset when she was arrested and charged. The offences are pretty serious.”

Harding now faces a maximum fine of £1,000 and losing her license for talk on a mobile phone while driving, and a further £5,000 fine for failing to stop for a police officer.

The 31-year-old is now due to appear at Highbury Corner magistrates’ court on April 16.

Harding was visably upset during Girls Aloud's last show

Harding recently denied claims from her former bandmate Nadine Coyle that she’d tried to prevent the group splitting at the end of their tour.

After and emotional last show, Coyle took to Twitter to tell her followers she didn’t want the group to split, leaving the girls parting ways on sour terms.

Below: Break-ups gone bad: The Girls Aloud split ain't got nothing on these


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