by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Radiohead

Thom Yorke of Radiohead turns agony uncle for troubled teens

Rocker also shares his 'lazy eye' insecurities


Thom Yorke of Radiohead turns agony uncle for troubled teens


Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has been giving some helpful advice to teenagers in a surprising new role as a rockstar 'agony uncle'.

The 44-year-old rock legend was taking part in the Ask a Grown Man blog spot on and responded to several issues that teenagers had emailed into the website.

The advice began with a 16-year-old girl from Vermont who asked for tips to help overcome her nerves when talking to the opposite sex.

York said: "If you have a crush on him, if you're really, really, really, really shy, which is what I was when I was that age - also, I was at a boys' school so it was impossible to meet girls anyway - how about just write him a note?... Or throw him against the wall sometime.

Watch the 'agony uncle' video interview below

The Radiohead star also went on to share his own insecurities with a girl who admitted to lacking confidence due to a scar on her chest.

Yorke, who had a lazy eye that was completely shut when he was born, explained: "When I was your age, I was convinced that girls would think that (my eye) was really not very nice at all. I worked in this pub and this old woman - she was so funny - she used to come in all the time. And she was the first person who really said to me, 'It's the nicest thing about you.'

"She was p**sed (drunk) all the time, but I went with it. You'd be surprised. You know, everyone is imperfect. No one has a symmetrical face. No one's body is perfect. Don't worry."

The Ask a Grown Man advice series has seen actors Paul Rudd and Jon Hamm film instalments to help teenagers and share some celebrity wisdom.

Below: Radiohead bring King of Limbs to Manchester


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