by Adam Tait Staff | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Professor Green 

Professor Green's attacker walks free after serving just two years

Anthony Jones stabbed rapper in the neck


Professor Green's attacker walks free after serving just two years Photo: Wenn

Rapper Professor Green is furious after learning that the man who attacked him has been freed from jail after serving just two years of his sentence.

Anthony Jones was locked up for eight years in 2011 after stabbing the rapper in the neck with a bottle.

He was found guilty of grievous bodily harm with intent, an offence that can carry a life sentence.

Green, real name Stephen Manderson, was left fighting for his life after being attacked inside Cargo nightclub in Shoreditch, London.

The rapper fled the club holding a six-inch wound in his neck, ironically just by where he had recently had the word 'Lucky' tattooed, and believed he was close to death.

“I thought I was going to die when I was outside on the pavement holding my neck and face together,” Manderson said at the time.

“I phoned my nan and my mum and I said goodbye. I thought, ‘If it’s my time I’m not going to go out crying and screaming’. It took me a long time to resolve what had happened. I’d be going out to clubs and whatever and I’d be on edge if someone even looked at me funny. I’d be ready to do something to them.

“It made me vulnerable in that I was more likely to do something to someone else and that’s not what I’m like. I don’t believe in violence.”

Professor Green with his nan Patrice and fiancee Millie Mackintosh

Jones, who was studying business at London Metropolitan University at the time, claimed Green had been ‘jostling’ his friends inside the club.

He’s now served only a quarter of his sentence after prison chiefs ruled he had served enough of his sentence to be granted parole.

Green recently held an engagement party with fiancee Millie Mackintosh of Made In Chelsea.

Below: Musicians with injuries - from broken bones to grazed knees

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