by Amy Gravelle

Tags: Frank Turner

Frank Turner - Tape Deck Heart

'A breath of fresh air with honest lyrics and beautifully woven instrumental coherences'


Frank Turner - Tape Deck Heart


These days you could say Frank Turner is becoming a bit of a household name, where his performance at the 2012 London Olympics catapulted him into the limelight, with older fans accusing him of selling out. With his new album Tape Deck Heart due for release on April 22nd lets us hear what Turner has to say about his current career trajectory.

Opening track ‘Recovery’ is classic Turner, with an upbeat tempo and honest integral lyrics from the word go. This is a hedonistic love song aimed at the trendy East London types who wallow in their own turmoil and angst whilst in love. Even with the melancholy lyrics the catchy chorus and good old familiar sounding country guitar riffs keep us more than happy. It’s a great album opener that will become a classic Turner anthem, no doubt promoted vigorously by every radio channel in the UK.

‘The Way I Tend To Be’ is gorgeously poetic capturing memories in our minds and opening up once again about a love once lost but not forgotten. This track seems genuine and exquisitely pieced together with only an acoustic guitar and a small pieced accompaniment to serenade our heartstrings.

‘Plain Sailing Weather’ picks up the tempo allowing Frank's punk roots to become exposed. Cursing and revealing how he can simply fuck up anything, he cries out for a normal day where nothing can go wrong, poor bloke.

There’s a pattern in the album emerging about difficulties in life, where if you knew nothing about Frank and listened to his songs you’d assume he was from a working class background full of everyday hardships. Unfortunately the vision is dampened a little when you’re informed his background was easier than most, with an education from Eton and sharing studies with Prince William the emotive songs don’t sound quite as fitting now do they?

Although you have to hand it to the guy, he can’t help how he was raised and even if he did have an upbringing that was more enriched than most, his songs still resonate with us all on a personal level. After all, everyone has had trouble in love at some point in their life and no matter what your background everyone has a story to tell. It’s noble that at least he has the balls to sing about it.

‘Tell Tale Signs’ sings of how Turner feels disposable and frustrated at how his relationships go around in circles. Another therapeutically candid acoustic offering that dives deeper into feelings of loneliness and anguish, it’s a real beauty.

The album offers everything we’d expect and more, with acoustic up-close and personal tracks that will send a trickle of hope to anyone struggling in a relationship. Allowing a breath of fresh air with honest lyrics and beautifully woven instrumental coherences, which blend suitably enough to keep us smiling.


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