by Adam Tait

Tags: Coachella Festival

Video: Coachella punters fooled into praising fake bands

Jimmy Kimmels show catches fans out


Video: Coachella punters fooled into praising fake bands


There's nothing worse than trying to look cool and being caught out, but that's exactly what happened to a bunch of Coachella punters when the Jimmy Kimmel show interviewed festival goers about made up bands.

An interviewer for the show asked music fans at the festival about a host of made-up bands with bizarre names, and the attendees were happy to praise the groups even though there was no way they could've heard of them before.

Two girls were asked about Doctor Shlo-mo and the GI Clinic, with one replying, "Yeah, they're always amazing," and the other adding "I'm really excited to see them live, I think they're one of the bands that's going to be great live."

The pair then begrudgingly admitted they'd missed the group at Lollapolooza ("So mad").

Other made up bands included Shorty Jizzle and the Plumbercrunks, The Obesity Epidemic, The Chelsea Clintons and Get The F**k Out Of My Pool.

Watch the clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show below

One festival goer even bragged about playing a non-existent Two Door Cinema Club album (DJ Cornmeal) when he was a student DJ.

To top it off the interviewer asked a man in day-glo face paint and an indian head dress whether he knew that Coachella was the native American word for 'dumb white guy', which he seemed ready to believe.

Below: Backstage at Coachella - MIsha Barton, Ben Howard and more


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