by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Muse

Muse tease fans with potential 'little club' show for 20th anniversary

Band are hoping to do 'something special' for it


Muse tease fans with potential 'little club' show for 20th anniversary

Photo: WENN

Muse's 20th anniversary as a band is fast approaching, and the British rockers are thinking of planning something special for fans.

The band's drummer, Dom Howard, teased fans by saying that they might play a 'little club' show next year - and also gave the reassurance that Muse are definitely not losing their creativity, despite how long they've been around.

Speaking to Xfm's Gordon Smart, Dom said, "It's our 20th anniversary year and I can't believe it - it's February next year or something so I think we'll definitely do something special for it.

"Hopefully [we'll] do some special shows for it or something. It will be nice to celebrate that and play some little club somewhere and go 'Jesus Christ, can't believe we're 20 years old as a band!'"

He went on to reassure fans that the band's creativity wasn't going anywhere, even after 20 years of ideas.

"There's always ideas hanging around for shows," he continued. "We always find ourselves coming up with ideas we probably can't achieve and then we end up scaling things back so there's always a list of ideas that we haven't accomplished yet so we can go back to things."

Muse might have been going for 20 years but aren't stopping soon

He explained, "It's the same with the music, you have ideas about what you're going to do musically and that goes on to inspire the lyrics and themes of the album which then goes on to inspire show ideas and visuals and concepts like that.

"It's great. I don't think it's getting harder. We're still doing it and enjoying it."

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