by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Foo Fighters, One Direction, Beyonce

Beyonce, One Direction give away gig tickets to political activists

Acts to donate two tickets from every show


Beyonce, One Direction give away gig tickets to political activists


Big name performers including Beyonce, Foo Fighters and One Direction have joined a scheme to offer free gig tickets to political activists.

The acts are supporting the Global Citizen Tickets initiative, which will see them donate two tickets to the scheme for every show they play for the next three years.

The idea of the Global Citizen Tickets initiative is to incentivise social activism in the US.

Fans will be able to earn points through doing charity work, engaging in political activism or writing to politicians.

The organisers hope that the scheme will encourage music fans to get involved and engage with issues related to global poverty and instigate a change for the better.

Other acts involved include Bruce Springsteen, Kings Of Leon, Depeche Mode, Pearl Jam, Kanye West and The Vaccines.

Foo Fighters are among the acts that have signed up

The campaign was thought up by Pearl Jam manager Kelly Curtis and Global Poverty Project chief executive Hugh Evans while they planned the Global Citizen Festival in New York last year.

The concert, which saw performances from Foo Fighters and the Black Keys, raised $1.3billion for deserving causes.

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