by Grace Carroll | Photos by Cable

Watch: Cable nightclub reveal video of Network Rail closure

Film pokes fun at transport organisation


Watch: Cable nightclub reveal video of Network Rail closure

Photo: Cable

Cable nightclub recently announced their closure on Wednesday (1 May), following two years of legal battles with Network Rail - and have posted a video documenting the situation.

The club is located in a tunnel by London Bridge station and is being closed down due to Network Rail wanting to develop the station - despite the fact that Cable say they were previously told they would not be affected by the work.

They explained on Facebook that they were "forced to close following two years of ongoing legal battles with Network Rail, who took possession of the venue this morning with an entry order, putting us out of business and leaving our 70 staff without jobs. This is due to them allegedly requiring the space back for the redevelopment of London Bridge station."

Cable have now posted a video online which shows footage of Network Rail taking over the club and pokes fun at the company's expense. In the introduction, the presenter says, "Now, myself and all the staff at Cable TV are working around the clock to bring you a feature length documentary to show you what happened leading up to that fateful day."

The short clip also shows Network Rail staff asking if they can gain access via a shutter, to which it is pointed out that someone from their company cut the power in the night - meaning that not only can Network Rail and Cable not access it, but neither can another of their tenants.

Watch the video below:

Cable staff repeatedly confront Network Rail and explain their problems, but Network Rail continually refuse to answer or comment on any of the issues raised.

"Why are you trying to destroy London clubland? What do you have to say about the 70 members of staff about to lose their jobs?" asks one presenter. "Do you realise that some of the most famous DJs in the world are playing here this weekend? ... Why did you lie pre-hand and say we would not be affected by the London Bridge developments?"

The video ends with a presenter waiting outside to speak to the member of Network Rail in charge of the London Bridge development, but instead the Network Rail member drives straight into the club through the door to avoid speaking to them.

A full documentary is apparently in the works.

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