by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber: 'Being taken out by a girl would take away my masculinity'

Star reveals old fashioned views on dating


Justin Bieber: 'Being taken out by a girl would take away my masculinity'


Justin Bieber has admitted that being taken out on a date by a girl would 'take away' his masculinity as he believes it's a man's duty to wine and dine a woman.

Bieber is rumoured to have reunited with fellow popstar Selena Gomez recently, but it doesn't look like she will be taking him out on any dates in the near future.

He told Gulf News: "I think it's up to the guy to be romantic. I think it's the guy's responsibility to take [a girl] out. It can't be the other way around.

"That would take away my masculinity if that [were to] happen."

The 'Boyfriend' singer is currently on his mammoth world tour and has revealed falling in love with Japan after visiting and compared it to his home country, Canada.

Selena Gomez won't be allowed to take Justin Bieber out on a date

He added: "I like the culture and [the people] are very, very nice. I like how they bow and take off their shoes when they go to someone's house.

"It's similar to Canada. In Canada we take off our shoes when we go to houses. In America, you just walk in with your dirty shoes all over the carpet."

After a difficult time touring the UK earlier this year, Bieber seems to have found peace across Europe and recently received praise from Turkish fans for pausing his concert and allowing the Istanbul crowd to pray.

Bieber took two breaks in the concert so that his Muslim fans could honour Azan, which is a call to prayer that traditionally happens five times a day - two of those taking places during the time that Bieber's gig was going on.

One fan wrote on Twitter, "The fact that Justin Bieber stopped his show in Turkey for the adhan when Muslim artists don't even do that is really commendable," with another saying, " I just gain a lot of respect for justin bieber after hearing that he stopped his concert twice to honor muslim prayer."

Below: Justin Bieber brawls with London photographers outside London hotel


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