by Adam Tait | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber reported as gay by E! Online Twitter hackers

Celeb website's account hacked and Beliebers trolled


Justin Bieber reported as gay by E! Online Twitter hackers

Photo: Wenn

Justin Bieber won't be happy today after it seemed he'd come out as gay with E! Online tweeting that he'd exclusively spoken to them about it, but it turned out to be the work of Twitter hackers.

A group calling themselves the Syrian Electronic Army managed to break into the Twtter account on Saturday and proceeded to ‘troll’ the legions of Beliebers who follow the online celebrity news source.

“Exclusive: Justin Beiber to E!Online: I’m a gay,” the hackers tweeted, prompting 1,200 retweets and 351 favourites o the social networking site.

The hackers went on to tweet, "Angelina Jolie admits, in E! lstest issue, that Jordan is to blame for the Syrian refugees’ atrocious conditions,” before returning to the Bieber story with “Exclusive: Selena Gomez tells E! she will fully supporting Justin in his coming out."

They then revealed the break in by tweeting, “The Syrian Electronic Army was here! Fans of @justinbieber, you have just been trolled.”

The tweets have now been removed from E! Online’s account, with a message explaining that the account had been compromised and that the publication is investigating.

Selena Gomez will be relieved to discover the report was untrue

The Syrian Electronic Army was also responsible for hacking the Associated Press’s Twitter account last month, sending out false stories about an attack on the White House that had temporary but serious effects on the financial markets.

The hack has brought renewed calls from Twitter users for the site to start using two-step verification, something used by many other online platforms.

Below: Music stars and the sex industry: Justine Bieber's sex doll, condoms and more


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