by Grace Carroll | Photos by Splash

Tags: Beyonce

Beyonce threatened with legal action over tour photographer ban

Singer could be blacklisted by photography group


Beyonce threatened with legal action over tour photographer ban

Photo: Splash

Beyonce banned professional photographers at her shows due to wanting control over unflattering photos - but it seems that she could now be blacklisted by National Press Photographers Association.

The photography group, which serves a large group of news organisations, have written Beyonce's publicist a letter saying that they plan to blacklist her if she doesn't lift the restrictions on taking photographs of her tour.

The NPPA say in the letter that while they recognise Beyonce's publicist's desire to control her image, they think that removing the ban will actually help her image in the long run.

The attorney for the organisation writes, "Ending the ban is more likely to result in publication of fair, objective and mutually beneficial photographs that serve your interests and ours."

Despite access to official photos being given to news outlets, many of them are choosing instead to use phone photos from fans. The letter points out Manchester Evening News as an example, saying that they illustrated a Beyonce article with "the very photo you have previously objected to."

The ban hasn't stopped fans from taking their own unflattering photos

The ban was put in place after BuzzFeed posted a list of unflattering photos from Beyonce's halftime Super Bowl performance, labelling them the 'fiercest moments'.

Beyonce's publicist wrote in an email, "There are some unflattering photos on your current feed that we are respectfully asking you to change. I am certain you will be able to find some better photos."

Worst Beyonce pictures ever? What happens when photos are banned


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