by Andrew Trendell | Photos by

Tags: Muse

Muse: eight reasons why their live shows are ridiculously brilliant

Aliens, robots, concussion and absurd outfits


Muse: eight reasons why their live shows are ridiculously brilliant


Muse are set to bring their latest extravagant live show to London's Emirate's Stadium this weekend - so we're counting down some of the highlights and most absurd moments from Muse on stage over the last 14 years.

Muse showed off their new live set up in Coventry on Wednesday - featuring giant flamethrower chimneys and a vast wall of LED screens showing the usual sci-fi imagery including robots, aliens and even a dancing Barack Obama.

But Muse have gained a worldwide reputation as one of the best and most OTT live acts on the planet today. Let's took a look at why...

Mental outfits
Muse's live prowess has never been in question - but one thing that has raised a few eyebrows over the years is the band's fashion sense. Favourites include drummer Dom Howard's Spiderman outfit...

...and Matt Bellamy's fetching red suit - making him resemble a Butlin's redcoat or a crayon:


Theatrical injuries
If you're going to throw yourself around like a man possessed, then you're going to get hurt - badly


Matt's face contortions and vocal acrobatics
Never one for subtlety, Mr Bellamy has become known for, erm, 'enhancing' Muse's live sound with some pretty ear-peircing shrieks and squawks - plus his face is always a picture.

See what we mean...?


Guitar solos
Nobody shreds quite like Matt Bellamy.

Creating another world
The imagination of Matt, Dom and Chris literally explodes onto the stage when they're putting together a live show. On tour in 2000, the band kept it kinda simple (for them) by installing huge condom-esque tubes to recreate souls on their way to heaven. By 2003, they were recreating the Apocalypse with LED screens before 2007 saw them recreate the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) onstage and more recent tours boasting giant Orwellian towers and a huge moving pyramid of TV screens that devour the band. 

You don't get THAT at a Beady Eye show, do you?


Muse love 'em

Eyeball balloons for everyone! Photo from Q-SFX

Those glasses
Admit it - you want a pair. They're m-m-m-m-m-m-mental

Pure a-MUSE-ment
Ultimately, while other bands try to pull a cool nonchalance towards their fans - you can't help but get the feeling that Muse find nothing but pure joy in playing live.



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