by Adam Tait | Photos by Wenn

Kanye West promo video screening shut down by police in Texas

Fans warned they were trespassing


Kanye West promo video screening shut down by police in Texas

Photo: Wenn

A screening of Kanye West’s new video for single ‘New Slaves’ in Texas has been shut down by police who claimed fans were trespassing.

Last weekend saw buildings in cities around the world have the video projected onto them to unveil the video for the first single from his new album Yeezus, and this weekend is set to see the promo play in a selection of new locations.

But as the Houston Chronicle reports, the rapper’s plans to project the video onto the Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas, have been scuppered by police who told fans that they’d be arrested for trespassing if they didn’t leave.

The Chronicle also reports that a further two screenings planned in the city didn’t take place, with one at the Central Library abandoned due to technical difficulties, and another at the Bush Memorial Hall a ‘no show’ according to fan Janet Quiora who said: “All we saw were the sprinklers come on and obnoxious people screaming Kanye threats.”

Kanye performed the two tracks live last weekend on SNL

Yesterday West up dated the interactive map on his website to show the new locations including Birmingham, Amsterdam and Milan.

Last weekend West unveiled ‘New Slaves’ for the first time during his Saturday Night Live performance, along with another track called ‘Black Skinhead’. Both are thought to appear on new album Yeezus which is due for release on June 18.


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