by Elliot Mitchell | Photos by WENN

Helen Mirren quits gay London festival because music was too loud

Dame finds 'As One In The Park' too noisy


Helen Mirren quits gay London festival because music was too loud

Photo: WENN

Dame Helen Mirren 'stormed out' of the VIP section of a gay music festival in East London on Sunday (26th May), after finding the music too loud.

'As One In The Park' is the biggest gay festival in the UK, and was headlined by Rita Ora this year, though the Oscar winning actress had to leave after just minutes in the VIP area.

Onlookers watched as Mirren, 68, went to get a drink with her fingers in her ears, mouthing "the music's too loud" to husband Taylor Hackford.

The star then decided to leave the festival and went outside to hang around Victoria Park instead, having her picture taken with topless fans.

The 68 year old actress attended the event to support the Batala London Samba band, who she had shouted at three weeks ago after they interrupted her performance of 'The Audience'.

Mirren left the event in high spirits despite her feelings on the noise

Mirren told the The Metro after her departure "I said I’d be here and here I am. A Dame always keeps her word."

The actress' attendance at the event clearly struck a positive chord with the group, as drummer John Rowlands commented on her appearance "She was really sweet. She loves us and she loves the drumming. Just not outside her theatre."

Below: Festivals 2013- which bands are playing what?


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