by Andrew Trendell | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga accused of 'feeding on freaks and geeks' to further career

Kelly Osborne slams 'Born This Way' star


Lady Gaga accused of 'feeding on freaks and geeks' to further career


Kelly Osbourne has spoken out against Lady Gaga - accusing her of 'cashing in' on her fans.

She also claimed that Gaga was 'a great big hypocrite' and argued that she took advantage of the 'Little Monsters'.

“I loved Lady Gaga. I totally believed in everything she stood for, until I realised she's a great big hypocrite," said Osbourne. "You're feeding on the freaks and geeks to further your career?"

It isn't the first time that Kelly has spoken out against Gaga. Earlier this year, she claimed her fans had been bullying her.

"Lady Gaga's fans are the worst," she said. "They've said I should kill myself, that they hope I get raped. I mean it's crazy, but I've had this all my life and I just try and ignore it."

Lady Gaga in her controversial gun bra

She's not the only one in the family with an issue with Gaga. Back in January, her outspoken mother Sharon had a dig at the 'Telephone' singer on US TV.

"Don't let your fans be so hideously damaging, hurtful, violent... on your website," said Sharon.

"If you are a Mother Monster, monitor it. Why haven't you, as a responsible young woman, said, 'No violence on my website, no violence, no threats, no violence'?"

She then went on to criticise Gaga for the gun bra she wore at a recent show, continuing: "Everything is guns, guns, guns. This is not right, and she should be stopped."

Below - Lady Gaga ARTPOP: everything we know about her new album


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