by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Lou Reed and Madonna amongst most difficult celebrity interviews

Journalists reveal their most awkward encounters


Lou Reed and Madonna amongst most difficult celebrity interviews


Lou Reed and Madonna have ranked amongst some of the worst celebrity interviews ever as journalists reveal their most difficult interviews with the stars.

Velvet Underground frontman, Lou Reed seemed to at the top of a few lists complied by The Guardian as several journalists commented on his 'vile and bullying' behaviour.

Simon Hattenstone of The Guardian discussed his encounter with Reed: "He was vile and bullying. I think he was just a misanthrope. I'd always heard he was hard to interview but I thought: 'No, it'll be fine.' I normally get nervous before interviews, but I wasn't with this – I loved him, I thought he was brilliant.

"Whatever I asked him about, he was fantastically hostile and contemptuous. In the end, I said: 'Are you this horrible in real life or are you putting it on?' He walked out on me, and I felt so sick when I came out. We were meant to see him play that night, but I just went back to my hotel and wept."

Lou Reed has been labelled as 'vile' by some celebrity interviewers

The Daily Telegraph's Mick Brown revealed that he had a similarly difficult experience with the singer, but understood that some artists are difficult and saw it as a 'game'.

He said: "I'm sure Lou Reed is top of everyone's difficult interview list. When I interviewed him we were in a restaurant in New York. He came in and sat down at the table and quite deliberately, it seemed, refused to engage with me.

"He had a long conversation with the waiter, then with his manager; finally, after about 20 minutes, he turned to me and said: "Well, what's your first question?" That is not, by any standards, agreeable behaviour, but I sat there with an amused smile on my face thinking, "This is the game."

Pop icon Madonna was also far from pleasant when Ginny Dougary of The Times travelled to Los Angeles for a chat, but Dougary wasn't the only one Madge was being rude to. 

She told The Guardian: "I'd gone to Los Angeles to interview Madonna. The first thing was that she cancelled the interview on the day with no explanation. Then, two days later, when it did happen, she was sort of pale in her personality, but also rude. She didn't particularly acknowledge me and was rude to her assistant in front of me.

"At one point I thought I would have to resign. It was disappointing because I admired her so much, but it was stupid of me – you don't admire Madonna because she's nice."

Below: Odd. Here are some photos of Madonna dressed as a boy scout


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