by Joanne Ball | Photos by

Tags: Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson dedicates wrist-slashing song to Paris Jackson

Goth rock singer refers to suicide attempt in LA


Marilyn Manson dedicates wrist-slashing song to Paris Jackson


Marilyn Manson has caused controversy by dedicating his track 'Disposable Teens' to troubled pop heir Paris Jackson at a recent gig in Los Angeles.

Last week, Michael Jackson's daughter was hospitalised after attempting suicide by slashing her wrists. the goth singer simulated slashing his wrists with a meat cleaver; a parallel to Jackson's attempt days previously.

"I hope you feel better," he added whilst on stage, before extending an invitation to attend a concert at a latter date; "You will be on my guest list any time you want."

Knives have featured in his stage show before, however the dedication and poignant reference to the Jackson teen have drawn criticism from media and suicide charities as her a catalyst for her suicide attempt was her guardian not allowing her to attend the concert because it was on a school night.

Marilyn extends a hand to a fan on Thursday night

The New York Samaritans have been quoted as saying; ""Everyone in the suicide prevention field agrees that graphic depiction of self-harm is a provocative act that does impact people who are in distress in a manner that is very counter productive and harmful." adding "Even in creative environments there should be some sense of social responsibility that is aware of the impact of actions and messages."


The Shock Therapy tour sees Manson team up with fellow rocker Alice Cooper.

Below: Marilyn Manson touring - way back in 2007


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