by Amelia Heathman

Tags: Beyonce

Beyonce's father sues the The Sun newspaper for defamation

Matthew Knowles hits back at newspaper claims


Beyonce's father sues the The Sun newspaper for defamation


Mathew Knowles, father of music star Beyonce, is reportedly suing The Sun newspaper for "knowingly and maliciously" misrepresenting his relationship with his daughter.

The tabloid claimed Beyonce had cut her father out of her life and Mathew had yet to meet his then 14-month-old grandaughter Blue Ivy.

Knowles has reportedly filed a defamation lawsuit in Houston's US district court, claims The Guardian, and is seeking actual and punitive damages, alongside legal fees, on the basis that The Sun made substantial changes to a March 2013 interview with the famous father.

Knowles' lawyers maintain that The Sun changed the end of Beyonce and her father's professional relationship, into a 'bitter rift with his famous daughter - admitting he is devastated at being pushed out of her life'.

The Sun claimed Knowles was 'devestated' at being pushed out of Beyonce's life

In an interview earlier this week with E! television entertainment network, Knowles hit back at the newspaper, saying: "The Sun, like any newspaper, needs to maintain a basic level of journalistic integrity. "No matter how many papers it sells or web hits it generates … [it] needs to be held responsible for its lies," he said. "This happens too often to too many people, and it is simply unfair."

Knowles and his legal team are also suing the tabloid for breach of contract, as the newspaper apparently agreed to pay Knowles in exchange for receiving an exclusive interview, which Knowles never received.

The Sun is yet to comment on the lawsuit.

Below: Beyonce's 'Mrs Carter World Tour' pictures


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