by Michael Baggs | Photos by WENN

Tags: Beady Eye

Beady Eye wake up Glasto with secret 11am set

Liam Gallagher is joined by wife Nicole Appleton at Worthy Farm as Beady Eye hit The Park Stage


Beady Eye wake up Glasto with secret 11am set

Photo: WENN

Beady Eye performed a surprise set at Glastonbury this morning (28 June, 2013), after teasing fans with hints online during the week.

The band performed on The Other Stage at 11am on Friday of Glastonbury, with Gallagher referencing the band's early performance slot, asking his audience: "It's never too early for a bit of Rock'n'Roll aggro, is it?"

And when it comes to rock and roll, the only person who can rival Liam for that is wife Nicole Appleton, who was also spotted drinking beer at the side of the stage during his performance. That's one of the finest things about festivals - it is the only time it is socially acceptable to drink before lunchtime and not have people think you are homeless. Hurrah.

Check out photos of Beady Eye's secret set here


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