by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Tags: Pharrell

Pharrell suing as 'I Am' legal battle continues

Williams quotes Dr Seuss in latest appeal to judge


Pharrell suing as 'I Am' legal battle continues

Photo: WENN

Pharrell Williams has turned the tables by suing in the latest development in the legal battleover the use of the words 'I Am'. 

Last week, it was reported that the Black Eyed Peas man had allegedly threatened Pharrell Williams with legal action over his use of the words 'I Am' in branding as the Black Eyed Peas man finds it 'confusingly similar' to his own name. Pharrell has a creative brand called 'i am OTHER', and it was claimed that had taken issue with the name and logo. 

However, then hit back at the claims and took to Twitter to say that 'no plans' to sue the Neptunes star.

Now, it has emerged that Pharrell has filed a suit in a battle to keep using his branding and prevent Will.iam from stopping him. According to TMZ, Pharrell quotes Dr Seuss' 'Green Eggs And Ham' in his application, in an attempt to draw out the differences in their branding:
"Sam I am
I am Sam
I am Sam
Sam I am"

He continued: "In contrast, the I Am Other mark means 'I am something else,' leaving what that 'else' is to the imagination of the consumer. It certainly does not mean 'I am Will.'" (right) with his fellow judges on The Voice is yet to respond or comment Pharrell's latest lawsuit. 

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